Once Upon a time, she was an Indian royal princess

Living a safe and peaceful life

She was deeply involved with dancing

And was a keen sportsperson

One day she sneaked out of the palace to play and got kidnapped...Her life changes dramatically...
就像人間經發了一樣, 小公主從此消失...
As if she evapourated like vapoured water, the little pincess disappears...
Mashooka Designs: Indian Princess Gharara, assorted colors avaliable in store!
Jewlery also by Mashooka Designs
3 年後
3 Years later
無名殺手橫行霸道, 她每當殺人後, 定必留下一顆鑽石心, 我們稱她為 "S"
Nameless killer rules the streets, she leaves a diamond heart every time her target is eliminated...we only know her as "S"

S 的故事
The Story of S

S 常常都要進行電動治療, 他們說能保持最頂級狀態...過程很痛苦...
S has to ungergo electronic treatment often, "they" say it keeps her in top condition...but it's very painful indeed...

今晚又要行動, 目標是表面像個丑陋肮脏的男子...
Target tonight is a boss disguised as a badly clothed, dirty young man...

Target locked in sight

精通舞術的 S 輕易跳下來, 向目標施下毒手! 與以往一樣, 她也是豪不留情
Using her advanced dancing skills, S easily jumps off and assassin her target! As usual, she shows no emotion whilst carrying out her work

任務完成...她看著平靜的都城市, 試想有自由的滋味...
Mission accomplished... S looks at the city from above...but when can she return to her home?
Clothing: Little Fish: Roses & Guns
This is a killer combination! The outfit screams power and the glitter adds glam, whilst the bright red rose adds contrast and feminism! The most inspiring has got to be the leather pants; it is the perfect combination for a night out! Wear a hat to complete the look, like I have!
Fab earrings by Mashooka Designs
Further Read: Indian Princess from Free*Style.
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